LES Japan organizes monthly seminars: 11 in Tokyo and 10 in Osaka annually. For more information, please contact here.
The working language is generally Japanese. When we have non-Japanese speaking lecturers, consecutive interepretation is normally available.
For all LES members including non-Japanese members, the fee is 5,000 yen.

Past Monthly Seminers

Date Venue Title
2024.JuneOsaka“Trends in AI Inventions/Regulations in Europe”
~Patenting AI inventions, Enforcement of AI patents, Regulating AI in EU, Comparison with Japanese practice~
2024.JuneTokyoCurrent status and strategies for the Unified Patent Court (UPC) one year after its implementation
2024.MayTokyoBasic and Practices of IP Law in India
2024.AprilOsakaCorporate response to US lawsuits
2024.AprilTokyoAIPLA- LES Joint Meeting 2024
2024.MarchOsakaPoints of Personal Information and Data Protection Regulations and Counterespionage Law of the People's Republic of China
2024.MarchOsakaThe Latest Trends in Digital Health - considering Patent Strategies-
2024.MarchTokyoImportance of Inventorship Learned from U.S. Court Decisions - - Significant Impact on Patent Infringement Litigation - -
2024.FebruaryTokyoThe future and IP strategy of Resonac
2024.FebruaryOsakaOverview of Patent Assignment, Patent Evaluation and IP Trusts
2024.JanuaryOsakaThe Act Partially Amending the Unfair Competition Prevention Act, etc. - Intellectual Property Package Act
2024.JanuaryTokyoIP Activities for Startup survival 
~Examples of practices and challenges starting from the drone startup~
2023.DecemberTokyoWhat Makes Waco Different and so Popular?
- How Japanese Companies Can Succeed in this Venue -
2023.DecemberOsakaEssentials of brand management from a practical person's perspective
~Why isn't there a deeper understanding of brands among Japanese companies?~
2023.NovemberOsakaIssues and Challenges in Intellectual Property Rights and Information-related Legislation with the Advancement of Generative AI
2023.NovemberTokyoLitigation practice over the estimate of the damages under Article 102.3 of the Patent Act
2023.OctoberTokyoGenerative AI, Metaverse and Copyright
2023.OctoberOsakaIP High Court's Judgment on Dwango Case – Practical Points and Patent Strategies for Cross-Border Services based on Network Technology
2023.SeptemberTokyoIP activities of DAICEL
2023.JulyOsakaIntellectual Property as a Marketing Tool
2023.JuneTokyoContractual Points for B to B Transactions
2023.MayTokyoDevelopments and Trends in U.S. Trade Secrets Law
2023.MayOsakaCorporate IP Strategy for 2030
2023.AprilOsakaIntellectual Property activity at corporate enterprises
2023.AprilTokyoAIPLA-LES Japan Joint Meeting 2023
2023.MarchOsakaRisks and Opportunities by Introduction of European Unitary Patent and Unified Patent Court
- Practical Advises for Japanese Companies to Survive well under more Complicated Patent System in Europe -
2023.MarchTokyoPatent and Business Strategies Learned from Court Precedents
2023.FebruaryTokyoEconomic Security and Corporate/IP Activities (Geopolitics and IP)
2023.FebruaryOsakaRights Issues and Practices in the Metaverse and Cyberspace
2023.JanuaryOsakaRecent Competition Policy Developments -Focusing on initiatives for digital platform operators-
2023.JanuaryTokyoStrategic Disclosure Practices for IP Investment and Utilization
For Communication with Investors
2022.DecemberOsakaTrends in international rule-making of cross border data transactions
2022.DecemberTokyoIPR strategy of Panasonic
2022.NovemberOsakaBasics of International Tax Practice and Intellectual Property Strategy
2022.NovemberTokyoLegal issues over patent infringement in global IT business
2022.OctoberTokyoDevelopment for Detecton Test of COVID-19
- From the Standpoint of Researcher and Developer of Reagents and Tests -
2022.OctoberOsakaRussia's invasion of Ukraine and its impact on business activity
2022.SeptemberOsakaRecommendations for future Japanese business strategies learned from the biotechnology and high-tech industries in Silicon Valley, USA
2022.SeptemberTokyoStandard Essential Patent issue which is no longer a someone else's problem - learning from responses of world's automobile industry of how to face a license offer -
2022.AugustTokyoBasics of Economic Security and the Economic Security Promotion Act for Intellectual Property Department Members
- With the status of economic security initiatives in the companies -
2022.JulyOsaka[Strengthening protection of intellectual property in Korea]
1. Amendment of laws giving further protection for owners of IP in Korea
2. Laws and practices for anti-counterfeit activities in Korea
3. The introduction and the currents status of Electronic Case Filing System in Korea
2022.JuneTokyoStrategies for patent portfolios under the Unified Patent Court/Unitary Patent in Europe
~ with a focus on enforcement and licensing~
2022.MayOsakaUtilization and Distribution of Digital Information Assets
-Business and Licensing related to Data, OSS and NFT-
2022.MayTokyoMarket / regulatory trends and issues for digital health
2022.AprilTokyoAIPLA- LES Japan Joint meeting
2022.AprilOsakaActivities of WIPO GREEN
2022.MarchOsakaBio-venture patent strategy and licensing strategy
2022.MarchTokyoNew Design Act and Trademarks / Desirable Lateral Practices
2022.FebruaryOsakaBig Data and Act on the Protection of Personal Information